
Kobe Kingdom πŸš•πŸŒΈ

πŸš– About Transportation: We took a taxi to our destination, and there was a ticket booth right at the entrance. We quickly bought our tickets and entered. 🏁 πŸ—ΊοΈ About Exploring: When purchasing tickets, scan the QR code at the window to access a map in your language. The park isn't large or complicated; you can also follow the signs to navigate. 🌍 Upon entering, you'll first encounter the ferocious animals like tigers, wolves, and brown bears. After that, you'll come to the herbivore area with sheep, alpacas, horses, and camels. πŸ…πŸΊπŸ» All herbivores can be fed. Prepare some change to use the machines to buy capsules, and feed them according to the designated times. 🌿🐏 #KobeKingdom πŸš• #ZooAdventure 🌸 #HerbivoreFeeding 🌿


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