A must see attraction!! 🙌🏼
Ok first things first:
•Wear cotton clothing (shorts, and leggings 👌🏼)
•Don’t wear jeans (you’ll thank me later)
•Don’t wear sweaters (read above)
•Make sure to wear shoes with a good grip
•Girls of all ages, save your cute sandals, chanclas, flats, etc.
•Forget your cute hairdo and possibly your makeup
•Bring cold water (unless you wanna drink the caverns water, but make sure to pay attention to the tour guide when they tell you what is made out of (composed, how it got there, whatever) 🙃
Arrived 15 mins before the 1pm tour (we did not know in advance what to expect, nor anything about the tours).
3 options were given:
•Combo ($65 ish can’t remember)
•Discovery (about $35 or so)
•Cant remember the other option (read above)
We chose the Discovery tour. We were told it was about an hr long tour (true), and about 180 feet down or something like that.
They’re very punctual! So you better be ready at the designated area 5 mins before it starts.
It was nice outside, and just a little windy. I had a sweater on 🙃 and jeans…
The first chamber felt reeeeally good! And since I went to some caverns in PA years ago, I thought it was going to be cool or around 65 F. Then guide said to everyone: it’s very humid pass this door, so your hair is not gonna look great, plus with the humidity, it feels about 85-90 😳
Boy, she was absolutely right! It’s quite steep going down, and there are handrails. Those of you with little children, be careful.
We finally got to a plateau at the bottom of the cavern, and I was already looking for the exit 🤣 and that crystal clear water, I contemplated the idea of getting charged with a felony (if you get caught touching anything there, even the walls, the bats black waste little mountains, or refresh your fingers in the many little oasis there, you’ll be charged with a fine!!
The idea stayed on my mind until I was able to see thanks to the light reflecting in the water, that there were some matters floating around… the water was still crispy tempting at 65 degrees, but embarrassing my kids was not worthy 😂
Anyways, we started to go up now, Looord! Don’t feel bad if you missed the gym: your hams, glutes, and core will be sore the next day.
The scenery was beautiful and the tour was very educational. The guide tour was exceptionally great!
15/10 stars!! ⭐️