DIsclaimer: Didn't try the food. What I DID DO is research local restaurants for 45 minutes before settling on this one. When I called, the automated voicemail said, "We're on vacation for three weeks, sorry!" It didn't even mention that they had another location or to call that location. They also didn't mention anything on their website(s), or at least not the pages that I came across. So there was a wasted 45 minutes. Then I decided that I'd take the drive to their other location just to make it happen. I get 1/2 way through the order with this mush-mouthed guy online that I can barely understand and he says he doesn't have a fryer for the apps we wanted! What?! First of all, if you're making so much money that you can take three weeks to blow off business, then you have enough money to actually pay people to keep your business open. Second, if your business can't run without you, then you have a poor business model. Third, this was your chance to make a great impression on out of towners, and instead, your other location earned this review, and we've ordered from Dante's.