Critic's Choice 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
i. Waiting at the lobby is semi-efficient: there are few benches for the pregnant and the tired to sit on, but the staff admits people fast.
ii. The lockers are abundant, 3 times more than the regular number of customers.
iii. Since food bought from outside is prohibited, it's better if there was a classic Italian-style bar with sweets and delicacies apart from their standard store. There should be a restaurant too.
iv. There is no tunnel from the parking lot to the lobby, thus passing underneath the road; it is different from the architectural 3D proposal. This should be constructed.
v. There is no souveneir store.
vi. There are various types of pools with so many uses. I suggest an olympic size pool for professional swimmers outside the building.
vii. There should be shelves beside the pool with locks too, :D
viii. During sunny days, the "pavement" (non pavimento) on the 1st floor is incredibly hot on the feet. It should be changed to a heat-resistant water-absorbing synthetic plastic, which is wet everytime. It's the same flooring at children's parks.
ix. Make advertisements on Youtube, tv and other social media platforms. Make an ad campaign that will reach millions.
x. The business owner should invest on expanding the place to be able to compete with the world's greatest tourist attractions. He/She should also sponsor bus routes from Milan's center to Acquaworld. There is potential in this park. 1 year after these expansions, tourists will also be welcomed.