Staff behaviors & food on point. Place is newly open so clean & bright.
Reason for low rating? Access to unit! It is so bad that even people that know it is opened & are looking for it struggle. How bad you ask? It's so bad that they they have an employee standing in the dark, off property at Pond Hill & NW Military with a small sign. There is no light. When I saw him @7pm there was still daylight. When I left @8pm.... It was so ridiculously dark that I didn't realize he was still there until I was stopped waiting to turn onto NW Military.
Honestly this angered me. I don't care if he is 16, 18, or 21. He was not standing on or even near WB property, had no light to be seen with, and WTF. This is just plain wrong.
If you want people to see & be able to get to the stores. Choose visible locations and make them easily accessible from the street they are on. It should not have to be a navigational event to get on to the WB lot. I posted a picture of the huge lot. It was taken at @ 755pm Friday night. Weather was awesome and the lot is empty aside from employee vehicles. We were the only customers in the store for more than 30 minutes.
So because location is struggling from lack of business due to choices made WAY before it even opened.
Look at my other reviews. Location & Accessibility are part of what people look at when deciding where to go eat. Get it together WB.