I've seen ads for Primoz on Facebook lately - Meatless Monday looking to be the best so far - and the alternatives to the norms like gluten free options is nice to see. Having tried nearly all the places here in Lakewood, from Angelo's to Domino's, it was refreshing to maybe try something new. Seeing all the options were absolutely enticing.
Ordered a medium veggie pizza, I forget the specific name on the menu, and an order of cheesesticks with marinara sauce. $28 and change. Definitely stings a bit in the wallet, but if you've had good pie... you'd know it's worth it. So in the 10 minute trek home... Well let me back up.
The store itself didn't present the exact image of pristine; the lobby area in front is rather cramped as half of it is used as storage for boxes and menus, so if multiple people are waiting and employees need to get something not only is it a bit cramped to begin with, but then we all have to move around. Furthermore... the boxes are... out front. Seeing behind the counter everyone did look busy and I can't comment on the cleanliness there, but it looked average.
So back to the food. The pizza had a good amount of grease to it the first few slices had the cheese just slide off, but in the good way like it was still fresh. However, after a few minutes with the box open it didn't stop. Likewise, I didn't feel there was anything exceptional with the pizza; overall I don't think I would be able to pinpoint a slice from that pie out of a line up without being told who made what. The cheesesticks were rather good. However, the cold marinara sauce was disappointing. Sometimes pizza and the like can be better the next day. Sadly, did not seem to be the case.
Ultimately, for $28, I feel as if the product is priced to be in the same category as other pizza places who have phenomenal dishes, but I don't feel I got my full money's worth. May give it a few months and try again.