My first experience with this restaurant was not completely pleasant. I was there a total of 1-1/2 hours. There was only 2 members of staff waiting on customers. So getting service was slow. But the food was great. I would definitely recommend eating at this restaurant.
I felt very insecure when it came time to pay my bill. I noticed one customer making complaints to the staff about how they were processing his credit card.
I gave my debit card to pay my bill and saw the waitress write down my card number, expiration date and CVN number without asking my permission. I asked her why she was writing it down. She said their credit card terminal was not working and she was going to call in the payment later to their card processing service. I asked her what she was going to do with my debit card information afterwards. She said she would throw it in the trash. I told her that was not a responsible way to dispose of customers card information and I wanted my card information back. She said couldn't give it back because she was not going to process the payment until later.
I am a small business owner and I use a credit/debit card terminal. There are two ways to process cards when the terminal is not working. You can swipe the card and process the transaction in offline mode which prints a receipt with an approval code that guarantees the merchant will receive payment. This records the card information in encrypted form for security. Once the terminal comes back online the payment will be processed with the bank.
The other way of processing a card is to call the processing service and read them the card information and get an approval code that guarantees the payment will be processed for the merchant. There is no need to write down customers card information.
Writing down card information to process later does not guarantee that the restaurant will receive payment. A customer could call their bank and cancel the card because they lost it or they fear the account will be used fraudulently and the restaurant will not be able to charge the account.
I will be watching the statement on my card to make sure there are no unauthorized charges. And if there are I will update my review.
I would not have felt the need to post this review if the owner or manager had properly trained the staff in sensitive data handling practices when the card terminal is not working. This review is intended to bring attention to the issue. A customer who complains to the staff about having their card information recorded and then thrown in the trash where it could be found and used for fraud will be considered a difficult customer who likes to complain and nothing will be done by managment to train the staff and the issue will keep happening