I'm leaving this review today in hopes it betters the current staff's lives for they are some of the strongest and most supporting coworkers ive ever had the pleasure of working with. And they deserve much better than what they have. And to hopefully detours future applicants from making the mistake we all have, applying to this restaurant in hopes of stable income and stable management. Only making this because the managers have actively dodged my attempts to share my thoughts to the owner privately, because all three of them are aware of their incompetence.
The short description on management of Jmarks is the prime example of the The Peter Principle.
The long answer is that there are three glaring issues in the running of this business. While the person in charge of managing you is the main root, she is not the entire problem.
Firstly, there is a very large disconnect on what is said and what actually happens. In short get used to being lied to and being told it is 100% your fault. Scheduling is HEAVILY preached that it is about numbers and performance. This is almost never the case, in reality it is all emotional based scheduling on how much either of the managers like you. Don't dare be sick or have an emergency because the next two weeks your schedule will be screwed. The laziest route of marketing manager making the schedule then the floor manager changing it depending on her mood that day is going to happen, get used to it. Pray to God the Dolphins don't lose or your shift is hell that day/night.
The floor manager will constantly tell you about their glory days and how they were the best of the best at what they did and you will waste maybe 20-35 minutes each shift listening to the drivel before anything important happens. You could be making money during this time but the self importance rant is far more important. Yet I've never heard so many customers complain about the unprofessionalism she exudes in any business I've been apart of.
The second is the strange biase the floor manager has for those she finds attractive. If you are a person who gets on her good side you will 100% be able to strike any deal you want. Especially if you're pretty. You can adjust your shifts, come in at weird hours, have no closing duties AND have the most tables over closers/openers. For obvious reasons not dropping names for terms of safety but every employee knows exactly what is being mentioned here. Come out of a shift half the time and work a closer has with double or even more so in tips.
The third issue, and I believe this is just due to floor manager's overbearing micromanaging of lanes they do not belong in. The floor manager HAS to dip her toes in every aspect of the business or they 'will not be run correctly'. For the kitchen, she often has to come back and run the expo line, with three perfectly capable workers including the kitchen manager back there, because a handful of things aren't being done her way or a table or two is behind. Causing discontent not only in the kitchen, but the ENTIRE restaurant as servers have to constantly apologize for her screaming at the top of her lungs like a child. You'll never go to a 'steakhouse' (it's not) that makes you feel as uneasy and unwelcoming as this one. The front of house will be disorganized and thrown completely out of order if you have a reservation or not because again, her way.
There are many more points I could make but the most glaring ones are above, I don't want to make this a novel. This place desperately needs a new coat of paint management wise and the customers are slowly starting to notice. That's why the slow encroach of lower end clientele is overshadowing regulars. Hope the owners at least read over this and reflect on what can be done better for their employees at least. They're the main victim of this abuse.
Thank you for your time
-An 'unhappy with being there' previous employee