I've lived in this area my whole life and never visited before. Truth be told, I am a bit more north, and if we humans are anything, it's creatures of habit, always feeling content to visit the places that are closer to us. For the last 5 years I have been driving past Mike's on my way to and from work. Constantly seeing the sign that, like many places in Denver, touts the "best green chili in town." It was a sunny morning whilst waiting for an oil change that I decided to give it a go.
The look of the place has always left a bit to be desired. It was clearly an old drive in at one point where you can still see the spots left over for people to park. Walking in continues this trend. It's clear that the money they make does not go into newer furnishings. Let me be clear though that it's all very clean. It's the kind of look that Robert Irvine would hate and Anthony Bourdain would love if you catch my drift. The out dated decor is the only reason I'm not giving 5 stars. I don't need things to be top of the line expensive or modern. But when certain things need a facelift you should just spend a bit to do that. They are advertising that they are looking to get new tables though so it may very well be something the owners recognize and are looking to change. The one thing you will always see though, especially on the weekend, is a completely full parking lot where cars even spread into the street where there are a few limited spots. Always the best sign that you should stop in.
The staff is very kind and clearly familial, whether it be just as a restaurant or true familia. The kind of connection that makes you a bit happier for visiting and creates a truly cohesive work environment. From the younger family members clearly on summer vacation to the cooks and wait staff that are the seasoned veterans.
Finally the food. Naturally I had to try something that had green chili on it and there is never really a better vehicle than a breakfast burrito. For those of you that have no idea what type of green chili I'm referring to, it's essentially a sauce or even a soup made from local green chiles. And it should almost always have little morsels of pork in it. While you can and should eat it as a soup because it's a standalone item, you typically find Mexican American dishes in this region smothered with it.
The menu is exactly what you would expect. All your standard breakfast options with a Mexican American influence. The also have lunch and dinner. I chose the western burrito, which was one out of 6 ever so slightly different options. It was executed perfectly. As far as the green chili goes...it was really good. I hesitate to call it the best though because I'm very partial to my own much different version. But it had just the right amount of seasoning and heat and is one that I would gladly have again and recommend you try.
If you've stuck through to the end of this review, I highly recommend Mike's Cafe and will definitely be back in the future. Always give local a try when you can. I find you will rarely be disappointed. Safe travels and happy eating.