Firstly, It is so immatuare that you went through my profile and checked how many stars I gave to Primark and then compared the mosque to primark. Such childish mentality of the person replying as the "owner".
Secondly, you assumed I gave one star because the mosque is old and not built modernly. That clearly shows YOUR cheap mentallity...and people don't think the way u think. I would have loved even if the mosque was made up of bamboos on the condition that there was proper islam being followed there.
I gave one star, I hated the mosque for the following reasons:
a) The carpets were not placed in the right direction in the women section and people ended up praying in the wrong direction.(That doesn't mean I wish new carpets in there but what is available to be placed in the right direction). I shifted the carpets with the help of 2 other sisters so that people pray in right direction on my second visit during ramadan. I wonder how could no one take note of this all this time.
b) The women praying there don't form proper lines...they pray where they like and so as per the hadith, shaitan puts hatred in the hearts and there are always quarrels going on in the women section and no one is ready to correct their ways.
c) The person just asks for money in the middle of isha and tarweeh, once claiming they want to expand the mosque, but as per the number of people coming, I found enough space available to accommodate everyone. What is the reason they want to expand the mosque? There are not that many people coming in! Rather that time could be used to talk about Quran, hadith, life of prophet(saws), increasing beneficial knowledge, telling people how important it is to form proper lines, etc, so much to talk about. Or they could talk about a part of Quran that is to be shortly recited in the taraweeh.
Secondly they claim they want money to save the mosque from going in the council's hands. When I asked, I was inform the main part is in the muslims hands only. So unstable argument for asking for donations...do u want to expand or save the current space from council and what is exactly in hands of muslims?? (I am not against asking for donations for iftar or bills)
d) I follow hanafi school of thought and as per all sahabas they prayed 20 rakats in taraweeh but the mosque offered 8 rakats (in the initial days of ramadan), I wanted to wait and pray but they had to close down, no issues, I am fine with that but this was another reason I stopped coming to the mosque BUT,
Then I came across the live broadcast on youtube of taraweeh and they prayed 20 rakats taraweeh. I was so confused. Which school of thought does the mosque follow? Hanafi, shafi, hanbali, malaki or ahle hadith?? The "owner" being so active online didn't reply to my this question on youtube.
e) What is the reason for live braodcasting? People can't pray with jamah from anywhere, there needs to be a continuation of lines and for that they need to be in the mosque then was it just to ask for donations??
Dare not delete your comment on my rating, let people know the childish immatuare mentality of the "owner".
I pray that mosque goes in the hands of someone right minded who helps people uplift their imaan. Ameen
And I can't sugar coat and give high rating just because it is a mosque, truth is what it is!