Firstly, the service was exceptional - very attentive and knowledgeable FOH staff.
However, for what you pay, you expect every course to impress.
1 Amuse bouche was a little dry and needed a little help.
2 pork and cheese with crudites and pickles was ok - could have done with a little more cheese and a more even distribution of the flavouring ingredients. One mouthful was a wow, amongst the rest being a little underwhelming.
3 tomato tonnato - my companion and my favourite course. Fresh against umami with the oil setting everything off nicely.
4 Agnolotti of mint and cheese with parmesan pesto. Maybe for nut eaters the walnuts take this to another level but our least favourite course. Pasta was gluggy - both heavy and heavy on the tooth (undercooked). Not unpleasant, but done better, this could have stould amongst the others.
5 lamb and veg. The chard gratin was the stand out- not the lamb. The Jus was great, but seemed like an assemblage rather than an integrated course.
6 And there have been a lot of comments on the Creme Brulee. Nice crunchy toffee with too thin creme below. Just didn't taste right for some reason.
And before anyone chimes in - we eaten a lot in France avoiding the touristic menus.