I will discuss this place's connection with "The Sopranos" later. First though, it deserves to be evaluated for what it has always been and continues to be: A diner-type restaurant that specializes in desserts and confections. On that basis, it gets a 5 rating. My western omelet sandwich and chocolate milkshake float were both outstanding. The onion rings were good, but even though I don't recall ever having onion rings anywhere else in NJ, it's not likely they are "the best in the state." I did learn that, prior to the show appearing in the Sopranos finale, they didn't actually have them on the menu.
I went to Holsten's with 3 people who live in NJ and had previous experience with the place. One of the people had been going there since she was a child--close to a half century. She said that they added the onion rings and also expanded the food menu after the show aired. Nonetheless, both before and after that, people who come here for meals are almost always more focused on their desserts than the main courses, especially the ice cream.
We also received excellent service, and because we arrived when the place opened, we were able to get the Soprano family booth, and I got the same spot where Tony sat for his "last supper." There were some disconnects between the actual place and what was conveyed in the show that detracted some from the experience. Besides the onion rings not being of the caliber indicated, there was also no jukebox. The Soprano booth does have a selector box, but it is not functional, and that is the only booth where they kept any remnant. I was determined NOT to play "Don't Stop Believing," but aside from the fact that I couldn't actually play anything, that song was not even to be listed. Also, the bells that rang when the door was opened were not there. As I first walked in I was psyched to hear them--they are a prime clue in indicating that Tony is actually dying in the seen. It also turns out that from where Tony was sitting, you don't actually get a clear view of the front door, at least not with the way the place is set up now.
It is possible that none of those things actually have changed since the seen was shot there. Maybe the jukebox was already removed by 2007, and maybe the bells never were attached to the back of the door. Maybe the door never was clearly visible from that booth. I was actually only going there because of The Sopranos connection, I would not know of the place otherwise. So those details all were "bubble bursters" to some degree. I don't count any of it against the restaurant, but it did detract from my personal experience to some degree.