Name of Restaurant: Taco Loco
Type of Restaurant: Mexican
Pros: Staff was friendly and punctual
Cons: The menu was in a foreign language
Time, Date: 6:45pm dinner on February 24th 2017
Specific Information: My boyfriend and I went to Taco Loco for our Friday date night. When we got to the counter we were immediately greeted with “Hola!”. After we ordered, the woman ran to the table we wanted to sit at, and immediately cleaned it off for us. When looking at the menu to order it was rather difficult being that it was all in Spanish, which has no translations. The food came fast, presentable, and tasty. I got chicken quesadillas and my boyfriend got chicken tacos, they were both big portions which filled us up and satisfied our taste buds. The woman tried to explain to us the different types of drinks she had other than the ones we could see, but we couldn’t understand so we just got a Sprite.
Food Description: I would consider the Mexican food at Taco Loco to be authentic, unlike Don Pablo’s for example. My quesadillas were made with seasoned shredded chicken and onions with lettuce and sour cream on the side. If you have allergies or do not like certain things be careful. I asked if the quesadillas were strictly just chicken and cheese and she said, “Si”. They came with onions, I didn’t mind though, I like them for more flavor. The portion was rather large for me, but I wasn’t complaining! My boyfriend was served three tacos, which had the same shredded chicken as my quesadillas, with lettuce on top. The condiments were self-serve and I got salsa on the side. If you do not like spicy, do not get the salsa. I was not expecting it to be so hot, but I still enjoyed it, I love spicy!
Would you recommend the restaurant: The food is good and the portions are great if you’re really hungry! (I had to take a box to go) If you’re not comfortable interacting with individuals who do not speak English, I would not recommend it. My boyfriend and I found it rather challenging, but interesting and fun to order in a language we are not familiar with. If you’re going out to dinner for the atmosphere, maybe this isn’t the place for you. It is a tiny place with the T.V. on loud in Spanish. We did not mind it because we talked to each other the whole time and ate. Taco Loco is a great place to go in and grab some quick authentic Mexican food. Do not expect conversation, entertainment, or a fancy meal. If I am in the area again, I would definitely go back into Taco Loco.
Overall Rating: I would say Taco Loco is a 8 out of 10.