I posted a review of the Starbucks in the West Park Shopping Center a little while ago. I was bombarded with replies telling me the best place for coffee in West Park is Five Points Coffee and Tea. The enthusiasm of the replies rubbed off on me and I decided to check it out.
Getting to this one-of-a-kind destination is half the fun. FPCT is nestled in a mature, well kept neighborhood with sidewalks full of young couples with strollers, lawns decorated with ghosts and spiders in preparation for the spooky holiday.
When I say nestled, I mean NESTLED. One of the cool things about FPCT is that it’s not on a major road or commercial setting. It is literally at the intersection of five quiet neighborhood streets. This is not a high traffic area like Lorain Avenue. If you decide to enjoy your caffeine in the outdoor seating area, you won't be assaulted by the noise and fumes of high-speed passing car traffic.
To say that FPCT is popular is a gross understatement. I arrived on a Sunday morning around 11. The place was full of activity. Outside was a stand displaying autumn apples and Mums for sale. People were using the outdoor seating, enjoying their hot coffee in the cool autumn air.
The cozy inside was full of children and grandparents and everything in between. Every seat was taken. A folksy brother and sister duo was playing for the room.
The chalkboard menu is large and overflowing with every conceivable permutation of coffee and tea including the various syrups and flavorings people love. They also have a food menu with breakfast and sandwich items. They also have swag - like t-shirts and mugs.
I ordered an iced coffee – a new taste I have developed - with Irish cream syrup. It was incredibly good and others on this site have said the same.
The place has an Irish flavor –not surprising as the neighborhood is home to some City of Cleveland police and firemen.
The bottom line is that Starbuck’s faux hipness, full of lonely soles glued to their laptops and phones, can’t hold a candle to the friendly, neighborhood atmosphere of Five Points Coffee and Tea. Please visit for yourself and let me know how you liked it.