Acvariu Constanța
The Constanța Aquarium is located along the Black Sea in Constanța, Romania. The building that hosts the aquarium dates to the early 20th century. It served as a restaurant for the adjacent Constanța Casino until the aquarium opened in 1958.
The Casino's PromenadeConstanța 900178, Romania
The Casino of ConstanțaBulevardul Regina Elisabeta 4, Constanța 900178, Romania
Ovidiu SquarePiața Ovidiu 13, Constanța 900178, Romania
Museum of National History and ArcheologyConstanța 900178, Romania
Cathedral of "Saints Peter and Paul"Strada Arhiepiscopiei 25, Constanța 900742, Romania
The Great MosqueStrada Crângului 1, Constanța, Romania
Ovidiu's StatuePiața Ovidiu 9, Constanța 900178, Romania
House with LionsStrada Dianei, Constanța 900178, Romania
Headquarters of the Navy CommandmentStrada Remus Opreanu 13, Constanța 900734, Romania
SoupizzaBulevardul Tomis 38, Constanța 900178, Romania
Restaurant Rendez-VousBulevardul Tomis 7, Constanța 900742, Romania