I am extremely dissatisfied with this store. Today I experienced a physical threat by another costumer and when I tried to express my need for help, I was blamed and harassed by the managers. I am a senior white woman with my Asian American grandson and for some unknown reason, I was physically accosted by a white middle aged man. I was standing in the aisle looking at items and and I heard an “excuse me!” in a loud and harsh tone. I looked up and felt this man brush by me impatiently only to then stand right in front of my cart to block me. He did not have a cart and had plenty of room to pass us.
I was surprised by his rudeness and close proximity, I said excuse me and that’s when he lit into me calling me rude and told me that I was standing in the middle of the aisle. I told him that he was too close and needed to give me some space and then he got right in my face and started shouting. I told him firmly to back away and him started to walk away. He kept harassing me as he walked off and I called him a piece of work and told him to stay the hell away from us. At that point a clerk stepped up and said he would kick us both out and as I tried to explain what had happened. He would not listen and called for a manager. The manager was also unwilling to listen even when I told her that I felt threatened. Another employee stepped in and insisted we leave. I got my grandson out of the cart and headed towards the door with the two unidentified store employees following me out. On the way out they called the police and began insist that I wait for the Police to arrive.
I left because I wanted to protect my Grandson from this ugliness. As far as I could tell the man who started this mess had no consequence for his actions and we were harassed as we were just trying to leave. My Grandson is only three years old and I can’t help but think that this could have been racially motivated.
I feel that I need to document this in the hopes that someone else can be spared from this horrible aggression and humiliation in the future.