I went last night with my husband for the first time. It was just "meh" for me. The place is nice, and the instructor was personable, but went way too fast to be instructing mostly inexperienced people. You pay money for the class at least give time to produce something presentable. Of course it's not an art class, but you want to have time to at least work at it. Consider 2.5 or 3-hour instruction for each class. No real instruction on how to make colors blend for the gradient effect of the sky, and forget trying to make decent trees in 5 mins. We're trying to complete one task and she was two steps ahead, giving you 3-5 minutes to complete the two steps ahead that she was at. Then she'd go on to the next step while your still trying to start the other two steps with no clue because you were back on step 1 while she was saying what to do on the steps you hadn't gotten to. You're told to ask questions, but there's barely time rushing between steps. No time to really even stop and survey what you have in front of you. It was rushed the entire way. I'm not sure if it was because it was the last class of the day and they wanted to leave or what, but I didn't enjoy it. It was more stress inducing, and low-key chaotic, than relaxing. She said we'd have time to 'tweak' mess up's, but as soon as the final step was done, it was pretty much ok, that's it. Gather your stuff, dump your trash, and get out. We also had a guy who clearly didn't want to be there and was disruptive from the start. He scribbled like a toddler, was a distraction, made snide remarks, tried to act like a NY tough guy, sat with his back to the instructor, hit the guy next to him with his canvas (not purposely... yet, maybe?), and would've dumped paint in my husband's lap had my husband not caught the plate that flew from across the table. All this was going on while the instructor is moving ahead in the steps, apparently oblivious to this guy. Ladies, if your guy doesn't want to go, don't drag him there. You only ruin it for others who have paid to be there too. Ended up with a product that I threw in the trash as soon as I got home. I, personally, didn't enjoy the experience and won't do it again.