i used to love this place as a child. i would always come with my grandpa and they loved him and were always smiling and happy to be at work it seemed. due to recent experience i will no longer be dining here.
i was so excited to show my boyfriend my childhood breakfast hot spot. i walk in gleefully with his hand in mine smiled at both of the hostesses and said “two please (:” my boyfriend, being a steelers fan, was wearing a steelers hat. the blonde hostessgoes to walk us to our table. then, attempts to tease him, as any clevelander would, and she says “a steelers hat? what? are you epileptic?”
......woah. sadly, my boyfriend is actually epileptic. the both of us were dumbfounded. we didn’t know how to handle what was said. so, we said nothing. we have had so many struggles with his epilepsy. so many nights in the hospital. and to have someone say something like that so effortlessly.
we sat down at our table. and discussed with ourselves. whay would she say that? how does being an epileptic even relate to being crazy? we order our food and had a wonderful waiter. but we felt sick to our stomach for what she said. my boyfriend wanted to be in the military but was told no by a recruiter bc he hadn’t been seizure free for five years. he hated his epilepsy then. and since then he has always hated that part of himself. and to have some lady just belittle him like that.
after eating we decided that we had to say something. this lady had to know that she needs to he careful about what she says and to who. so i walk up to pay the bill, and he buildes the courage to confront her. and he kindly says “hey i know you were joking, and you had no idea, but i actually am epileptic. so just watch what you say to people. and you need to be careful with what you say to people sometimes” and she gave the most insincere apology ever. she put her hand on his shoulder and said “aww im soo soorry” and looked in another direction and didn't pay him any mind after she said that. she appeared to have no remorse.
it was so dissapoonting. knowing all of our struggles ourselves that she would just dismiss us so quickly.
our feeling’s are so hurt. and we loved that place. and to have it ruined by one person is heartbreaking.