Been going to Halo Burger for years. Even after they got sold off to Dortch and Dortch ruined 50% of the menu. Went again tonight, knowing the new owners since Dortch ruined it, have been big on made in Michigan products to use. Ordered 3 Boston Coolers.
Now, I'm not sure when they completely ruined the Boston Cooler, but it is NO WHERE the same level it used to be.
It's only two sizes now. REG and LARGE. Ok, not a big deal we'll order a round of regular sizes. $3 each for a regular, so yea it sounded a bit high but whatever. It's a Boston Cooler. How wrong was I.
$3 nets you what would equate to a kiddy size drink. Not what would have been an original Halo Burger Medium. Again... not super happy about the rip off in price for what equates to some ice cream and soda pop.
The "Boston Cooler", I use this term lightly. As what ever is being presented now as the "Boston Cooler". Is in fact not at all what has been the Halo Burger staple for decades.
What we received was the consistency of soft serve ice cream, that at one time may have glanced at a bottle of Vernors. So it had to guess what it was supposed to taste like.
I'm not sure how anyone can say with any validity that the Boston Coolers are the best. When they aren't even a Boston Cooler. It's a soft serve vanilla milk shake, that has no discernable flavor of Vernors what-so-ever.
Imagine a Boston Cooler, but with 0% Battery. Or, a Vanilla Shake that once got a phone call from a Vernors and can only guess after talking to it, what the flavor was. Or, maybe each ingredient passed one another in the middle of the night, hoping the other would turn around and run back into their lives.
Any of those scenarios may have actually produced a viable, yet still terrible replacement.... and they all would have been better than what ever that is being peddled now as a "Boston Cooler".
For shame.