THE GOOD: The staff is very sweet, the kitchen staff came on the floor asking how the food was. The facility was emaculate, the food was scrummy, the parking was easy, and the duration between end of ordering to eating was about 15 to 20 min. Also, it seems like a great place for the kids. The location is right off the beach so it's perfect for ordering and taking out. I really liked everything about this place, fresh ingredientsand amazing flavors. It was almost perfect....EXCEPT.....<continue>
THE BAD: Warning: Do not wait till your starving to show up because the ordering model for this place is STUPID, ITS SOOOOOOOOOOO DUMB. They have chosen an ordering model that is cumbersome and flaud. It provokes frustration and hanger. From the moment you walk in, you're faced with an immediate obstacle. They take your order at the register, which is positioned 10 ft from the entrance, which means if there is more than (1) party in line front of you, you'll be standing around for a while because NO ONE steps up the counter prepared. Each party in front of me acted as if they had never had pizza in their life and were confused and, when coupled with "THE UGLY," you have the perfect storm.
THE UGLY: Right off the bat, Management has failed their customers by having Alex at the register, either she has not been provided the proper training of the ordering system, or she simply lacks the urgency for processing orders. She was confused by every single entry made by every single customer that were placing their order. The question, "What?" was asked almost (5) times per person ordering. She walked away from the register (5) times in (3) orders. Long story short, her service methodology is not conducive for The V's Pizza ordering model. The front of the house is a nightmare.
Please don't think that I'm saying Alex isn't a sweet person and super professional, because she also worked the dining room and was great. She just isn't the best equipped for the Point of Sale duties.
However the dining room almost makes up for the ordering