Where do I start? Certainly, not the food. I never got that far. Why? The demeanor of Brittney, the manager, at best, was off-putting. After I received permission from the hostess to look through the sweatshirt sizes on display, Brittany enters the scene moments later. “Can I help you?” Me: “No thanks we’re just deciding between red and grey.” Brittany snippily replied, “We go through the sizes for you.” My reply, “I just received permission from the hostess.” Brittany said nothing, as if she didn’t believe me.
I purchased the sweatshirt and made my way into the bar with my twenty-two-year-old daughter to meet my almost 60-year-old friend. We planned to eat at the bar as there was a wait for the dining room. We saddle-up. My daughter asked for water. The bartender asked for ID. We are from Colorado where we have digital state ID’s. We don’t need to carry our license. The bartender was looking at the app and didn’t seem concerned until she and I both notice Brittany skulking around the corner looking straight at us. I signaled with my hand for Brittany to come over and invited the bartender to consult with Brittany. Brittany didn’t have the good sense to come over. The bartender and she went into hiding. The bartender came back and said her manager, Brittany, wouldn’t accept the “picture” of the ID. I explained again that the ID is not a picture, it’s a valid ID back and front on a government app. (As an aside, digital identification from states that have this feature, are a legal, accepted, form of identification in the State of Maine.) I understand laws about sitting at the bar, but is there any common sense left in the world? Here’s a young lady of age, ordering water, and sitting with two women fast approaching the age of sixty during lunch hour.
My friend had just received her beer. My daughter and I left the restaurant. Since Brittany was no where to be found, I called the restaurant and spoke with her minutes after leaving. Instead of taking responsibility for her choice she throws the blame on the bartender. The same bartender who went to her to get an answer.
I understand confusion over the digital ID, but given the amount of out-of-state visitors, I suggest that anyone serving alcohol (or in this case water) get familiar with the rules. My displeasure comes from the way Brittany chose to handle the situation and her zest to be “Queen of the Fishbowl” from the very start of entering into the establishment. Perhaps, I didn’t fold the sweatshirts correctly?
Brittany desperately needs schooling in Wisdom 101. Allison’s, can you register her for fall classes? It’s not too late.