Had some trouble focusing on shopping today because an older bald guy - presumably the owner - called one of the employees out to sit at one of the game tables so he could reprimand them in the middle of the store. Not only was it a shocking display of unprofessionalism but overhearing comments to the effect of "if you're having issues at home you need to get over it" really makes you, as a customer, stop and think about the type of person you're giving your money to.
Over years of coming here the employees for their part have always been pleasant (aside from needing to enforce ownership's incredibly overzealous food & drink policy) but I've heard enough horror stories from the local gaming community about management here to know this type of behavior isn't a one-off.
In a way it's a shame because it's a reasonably nice space but with Night Owl Games, PlayForge, and Mythic Games all just a couple minutes away and all sporting combinations of better selection, better prices, and better people in charge, there frankly isn't a reason to give this place your business. Sure, having a coffee shop inside is nice. But you can get better coffee and food literally anywhere else and actually take it with you when you browse or play at other stores.
Edit: It's worth pointing out that the response from ownership to this review further demonstrates the type of behavior the review highlights: Upon receiving feedback that customers were put in an uncomfortable situation the decision to log on and make excuses for the behavior rather than simply accepting and learning from it shows an incredible lack of maturity. Especially given that the point was that this conversation should not have become anyone else's business so having it in front of customers, then taking it a step further and posting it publicly online, is extremely unprofessional. Bringing up the context, frankly, doesn't do any favors. Yes, the conversation may have been calm and matter of fact but the tone was one that I would not have appreciated a manager taking with me which, again, simply gives pause to supporting the business. Having to justify yourselves is odd, the easy alternative would be simply recognizing a mistake was made and planning to correct in the future. This review, and the one (1) other made by the person I was with who was also made uncomfortable seeing this, is not "several of my friends targeting the store", it's just the consequences for the actions taken.