Ok. Laugh if you want, but the Littleton Taco House location hasn’t been around for umpteen years because it is no good. I’m telling ya, you will crave it once you’ve tried it. Those who know, know what I’m talking about, right?
The Number Four (the three Cheese Enchilada meal with three Tostadas - Bean, Cheese and Guacamole) rules as the Numero Uno dish on the menu. Comes out from the kitchen piping hot (seriously, third-degree burns if you aren’t careful, so watch the plate and the palate). Melty, gooey and delicious!
The breakfast burritos with green chile are very good as well, as are several other offerings. But, that Number Four gets stuck in my craw and I crave it at least once a week!
The food is not high cuisine in the least, not by any stretch of the imagination - it is, however, a place you will go back to again and again because it just meets a basic need of your soul. Kinda like a ballpark frank or movie theater popcorn - or, Casa Bonita.
The parking lot and the building both need some care, as they are showing serious signs of age. But, overlook it! This hole in the wall dive restaurant is heavenly for its raw, gritty goodness. Could it be better? Yeah, sure. Maybe if more of us ate there, they could afford a facelift!
Once you get to know the owners and servers, you will support them like I do - they are sweet, kind and friendly. Take some time to chat with them - the salt of the earth is refreshing to the soul.
If you don’t have a good experience, it’s because you’re a stuffed shirt, uppity, food snob. Drop the pretenses. Broaden your horizons. Give it a try and your taste buds will thank you, and me. Now, if you will excuse me, I have aroused the craving once more…I’m off to Taco House!