Two large chocolate shakes and one large onion rings at $24.40! Too much? Cost of living? Too much? Cost of NOT living? Now, that's a cost that's way too much! So pull it off the road once in a while, right?! And a good place to do that and to spend some money on life is at Angel's! Good choice, Buster! And good thinking. Here's a crew whom I'm sure, puts in a solid day cooking, making your good choice at an independent business and a legacy landmark in Bowness, to boot! Added up in my head, between cars, well, with the minimum wages, and uniform service, city taxes, paper napkin costs, the price of a plumber's call?... Think of an expense and a small business has it! Ask the owners? I'm sure they'll say it's a struggle or something of the like, but with a big smile for your kids, they will thank you so much for coming in! And, hope to see you again! The building has existed for my whole life, it seems. Dad took us boys there a few times, if I can remember correctly that far back? Ha! And their onion rings WERE very hot and crisp, folks! And a yesteryear serving size, for sure! The milkshakes that my brother and I enjoyed were a little celebration of our now, much more rare times together. As far as that cost accounting? Well, everything is expensive, isn't it?! Darn tootin'! "Hey, easy on that horn, Buster!" What is expensive is spending a day without earning those special moments like sharing a bag of onion rings with your big brother, washed down with a mocha-chocolate and a raspberry-lime shake? Is that what Tim had?.. I offered him the last onion ring. But he said, "You have it, Douglas". That's us, still brothers! At Angel's Drive-in. Still in Bowness. I came up with my own bumper sticker in my own bumper head, years ago: DREAMS ARE FREE! BUT MEMORIES COST MONEY. Thank you, Angel's, for mine.