Review Date: June 2nd, 2013
Three people. Zero likes.
Matt, Erin, and I decided to check out Rosati’s Pizza one day while exploring Bloomington/Normal. In theory, all three of us love pizza and the three of us are not food snobs.
We arrived at Rosati’s on a sunny afternoon with empty bellies and an unhealthy desire to put down some pizza. The place was fairly empty. We must’ve just missed a lunch rush. What luck! We were seated at a table and given menus. It took us some time to adjust to the menu offerings and how to split an 8-slice pizza between three people. After much deliberation, we ended up with the pizza you see below. I don’t remember how we arranged the toppings. I think one side was meat lovers and the other a cheese lovers?
We made small talk while we waited for our food to come out. The smell drifting out from the kitchen was heavenly. This gave us all a sparkle in our eye and some drool in the corner of our mouth. The waitress brought our pizza out and it looked and smelled fantastic. We each grabbed a piece, put it on our plate, thanked the pizza gods, and dug in.
I didn’t need to take more than a few bites to know we were doomed with a bad pizza. There really is no other words to say besides it wasn’t good. At all. I ‘m normally not harsh but Rosati’s is the worst pizza I’ve ever had… and I used to eat Jack’s pizzas by choice. (Nothing against Jack’s, I just find them not filling and a waste of money when you can buy better frozen pizzas for the same price.)
It was a struggle to wolf down the pizza and act like it wasn’t bad. Not that I had to pretend it was delicious in front of my friend and girlfriend but I didn’t want to ruin the magic of the shared misery until after we were done eating and were far away from this place.
I had brought up Rosati’s to another group of friends recently and they all had the exact same reaction as we had. I am usually up for second chances but I will have to decline to give Rosati’s another chance. If you are a fan of Rosati’s, that’s great! It has to be a pretty popular place as they have quite a few locations throughout Illinois. I just know its not for me.