He wanted to give 5 stars, I however did not. There are a few reasons I was torn. We ordered the Bronco, the Giddyup, and the Mac Daddy. We wanted to try just about everything on the menu and that was the best way to do it.
I'll start with the meat. The flavor was incredible and the meat/sauce ratio was spot on. The sauce was beautifully blended and perfect. The meat was flavorful and aromatic however was a touch too chewey for my liking. It wasn't bad or over chewey, but the brisket and ribs were not as good as they could have been. The pork and chicken were perfect. At this point, I'm still in the 5 star range because as I said, the flavors were incredible.
The Mac Daddy was unimpressive to say the least. Mac n cheese at a BBQ joint should be that perfect comfort no holds barred plate of scrumptiousness. This was more than disappointing, it was practically criminally bad. It had the taste, color, and texture of the cheap store-brand dry cheese knock-off version of Kraft. A mac n cheese with a bechemel base with hand grated mix of sharp, mild, and Irish cheddars is my recommendation. It may cost more but will really bring out the flavor of the brisket.
The potato salad was not great. Tasted like the deli stuff from the grocery store and a little undercooked.
Overall it was the sides that took the review from a 5 to a 4. The saving grace was the meat/sauce ratio and the sauce itself. Plus the pork was outstanding. Improve the Mac and the potato salad a bit and I bet reviews and revenue spike.