See the Follow Up Below. 7.18.22
1st off Fish Daddy's is one of my all time favorites, customer service is usually spot on, however, we stopped last Sunday and I was very disappointed and physically sickened at what I found in my dish.
I ordered a bowl of gumbo, which had a fabulous taste, but I was more than shocked and sickened when I found a bloody band aid THAT I HAD CHEWED ON IN MY MOUTH!!!!!!!!
I unfolded the piece of debris and laid it on the plate when the waiter came by. I showed and explained what I found, I dismissed myself to go wash my mouth out. When I returned the manager was at the table and apologized, however, never once offered to take care of any food or drinks. She did not know where it came from or from whom.
Given the the above events, I was shocked, as well as the Gentleman with me (Retired Bryan Tx Chief of Police) when I received the bill and nothing had been taken care of! As A business owner, if we have a failing, we try our very best for customer satisfaction, even if it means we take care of the bill, because a returning happy customer is way better than an upset customer that never ever returns.
Although the rest of the meal was good, I was shocked, once gain, the failings in the customer service and making sure we were taken care of was not any better. I paid the bill, reluctantly, however, I'm not sure, nor does the Police chief (Retired) will ever go back. I welcome an email back from the GM of Fish Daddy's, which I do believe is the owners daughter.
Thank you for your time!
7.18.22 - I received a call from Ms. Welch, she was very kind and showed concern for the above experience. She stated they did confirm the debris in the gumbo was NOT a band aid, but a sweetener packet. But she agreed, there should not have been "Trash" in the soup.
She was gracious enough to listen and offer gift certificates to the establishment.
As a business, owner, this is how business should be handle, and Ms. Welch seems to be the perfect lady for the job.
PS: We did receive our gift certificates, and we will be back soon,
Thank You Ms. Welch!