I ordered onion rings, and as I was ordering, I asked the wife, the Spanish lady in the front if she could make them golden because in the past they always came out burnt, tasty nonetheless. She said okay. When they came out and I opened the bag to look at the color and they were shard. I asked if she could make them again and as she went to reach to get them for my hand…the husband intervened and rudely told me “I make them like that for every customer”. Shocked I said nothing and walked out. When I arrived home and looked further at all the onion rings, I noticed that they were all shard. I immediately returned to speak my peace. On arrival, the husband was already hostile, upset and clearly bothered by something else I presume. I kindly asked him if he could remake them, and told him that I’d even pay for them to be remade, but golden the way I like. He told me and I quote “I’ll give you your money back and you never come back here”. I was astonished. Here I am offering to pay AGAIN but for the golden ones as I asked initially and he’s telling me he’ll take the burnt onion rings, throw them out, give me money and for me to never come back to the restaurant .” At this point I was extremely overstimulated and read him to fifth. Owner has no sense of professionalism, disgusting banter and all of the above. Not only that, he has his CHILD that can’t be no more than 15 years old working there as well. Along with a toddler running rampant (in the back area near the stove as well) in an already cluttered and SMALL restaurant as is. Good food, horrendous service Pick your poison when dealing with these people. Husband is a complete A-hole. Wife is meek and listens to whatever he says even when she disagrees unfortunately. I didn’t want to make this a bigger issue than it already was but due to his uncanniness is I am perusing further with the health department and filing an official report. Deliver if you want to avoid cursing anybody out. Good luck