6/6/24 update: this business is now under new management. They have stated publicly "we won't change a thing." Hopefully, they change an awful lot of things. The following will remain until I can return.
Foul staff, foul food, foul atmosphere... Skip it. Half-price pizza does not translate to half off the five hours you'll spend occupying the bathroom the next day. There simply aren't words that describe how terrible the entire experience is here. Worse, it's consistently horrifyingly bad.
(More from our first visit)
The "pizza" experience that we had at the White Horse was abjectly and completely miserable, overpriced, and the waitress was appalled to realize that we were not drinking alcohol.
When the pizza finally showed up, long after I'd forgotten we ordered it, one side was undercooked and almost cold, The other side, the cheese had sloughed off and onto the serving tray with a browned skin curling under the spill. All eight pepperoni on this "large" were sadly peering at us like boils needing medical attention. The sauce was cloyingly sweet and tasted canned. The cheese was of the variety that turns partially translucent and oily at room temperature. The crust was soggy and permeated with sauce as if it had been sitting on a pastry rack for a long time with a generous pool of sauce soaking in waiting for "the rush." to hit. There was a huge blister on the burned side indicating the ovens were at top temperature to pump as many pizzas to drunk people as possible...
It was a simple enough cheese and pepperoni and I thought to myself as I gagged down half of one piece, "Well, at least it will be cheap." I'd not paid attention to the menu
The bill showed up and with two soft-drinks, it came to nearly $30.00 (in 2013, mind you). I made the waitress double check it... .Sure enough. Since we were at a large gathering and this was our contribution to the "communal table" so we were stuck.
To have to shell out nearly $30.00 (in 2013) for a half of a piece of pizza... Took care of our server, whom took pleasure in ignoring us, and treated us with contempt when finally forced to acknowledge us.
We left thinking, "What can people possibly like about that place?" We'd heard all of our lives, as Flint natives, that "The White Horse is the best!." It hit us a few seconds later, "Of course, they're all drunk!" Who cares what you shove in your face when you're drunk?
Subsequent visits revealed even more levels of terrible food, service, and overall experience. The topper was being sick for two days after eating one piece during a business planning meeting. The waitress was downright hostile and actually rammed my chair with her hip, as she felt I was taking up too much space. Not that i inferred that information, she actually told me that with a snarl. I was not. Nor was our party and the ten guests we arrived with, in order to bring our business to a local establishment. No good deed goes unpunished....
Later, I tried again, not wanting to give up on this "landmark" establishment in our community. I brought a group of 20-30 people whom met bi-monthly, to have our gathering and discussions here. I ordered the fish and chips, which came out of the kitchen with liquid batter inside, indicating it was undercooked. I reluctantly sent the food back to the kitchen, which returned to me with my bite from the previous encounter still intact. They did indeed slide the fish off the plate, back into the fryer, and returned it to me bite intact. Needless to say, I didn't eat it, I didn't continue to wish things were better there despite walking in with up to 30 people in tow for a guaranteed bonus income of up to $3,000/mo from our presence. They could literally have cared less.
I finally gave up.
I'll never return, even if compelled by business. I've given them so very many chances to get it right, but they have only ever fallen further each time.
The White Horse is a shining example of how a legacy of mediocrity steeped in alcohol, can create an urban legend.