If no stars were an option, that would be my review and only for the good of consumer safety. We’ve been to many Mongolian BBQ restaurants (MBBQs) and after trying this one, we won’t go back.
Misleading Pricing
I am not a big eater and only prepare/eat one dish, never going back for seconds, thirds, etc. They offer pricing based on the bowl size you select (small, medium and large). When you are in line and trying to select which size bowl, it is hard to discern size as they look similar. The large size will run almost $11.00 for lunch. Most MBBQs charge under $9.00 per person plus drinks for lunch. For two people with large and medium bowls (no second trips) and two sodas—over $23.00, not including tip. Not a good value.
Food Selection and Preparation
The offerings are typical to MBBQs, but watch out for freshness and poor food preparation of items. The onions had cores attached, mushrooms had fertilizer/mulch remnants, dirty cilantro, and un-trimmed fat on meats.
Don’t Forget to Add TONS of Sauce or You’ll Get Scolded
If you think you have added just the right amount of sauce per your taste, apparently the cooks do not think so and will tell you. They will tell you “oh no, more sauce,” and then take your bowl and load up tons more so that your creation is swimming in sauce/oil etc.
I watched one customer whom loaded up one bowl with items and another bowl with sauce/oil only. The senior cook told him the same thing he told me, “oh no, needs more sauce,” and then loaded the customer’s bowl up with more for him. There was so much sauce swimmingly sizzling on the the grill and intermingling with another customer’s dish it was gross to watch.
Most MBBQ places will add water to the grill if a dish has too little liquid.
Mystery Soup
At first glance, the soup looks like typical egg drop with cooked finely shredded carrots. With my first and only taste...salty, fishy, I cannot describe the flavor. Don’t do it.
Bottom Line
The name is deceiving and should be called “#2 Mongolian BBQ.” It’s been over 12 hours now and I still have heartburn and diarrhea that Tums and Immodium cannot cure. For not having anything spicy, this is just not right.
MBBQs are supposed to operate where customers can have their selections cleanly prepped, customizable, and be reasonably priced without any negative side effects. If that is your intention as was mine, then save your money and go elsewhere.
DO NOT GO HERE or suffer the consequences!!!