What a powerful lesson, after so many years, we think we know it all, and we don't.
My wife and I were looking for a Nicaraguan restaurant in the area, but unfortunately the local ones were not exactly what we were looking for, because they lack atmosphere, live entertainment; we were looking for a refined place and we founded, a bit farther from what are used to drive, but this restaurant looked nice.
We arrived, and we liked automatically, great location, cozy, live entertainment, great customer service, even the water you can taste it was filtered.
We orderord the best of the house, Bid Daddy churrasco, it was enough to feed two people.
Before our meal arrived we ordered Yuca con chicharron, this was beginning of our disappointment, when you know Nicaraguan food, you know this is not it!
The chicharron was the lowest quality we ever taste, it was bought in a 7-11 and through at the top of the yuca, a very cheap quality chicharron, and very expensive, but very clever decorative, it came with a stiff bread cover with butter, not a home made bread, it was a local cuban bread from a local bakery quality, I was very surprised for a fancy restaurant this cheap entry and bread.
Food arrived!!!!!
Carrasco looked amazing, as latins we expected our meat seasoned, oh boy!!!
Tasteless churrasco we ever taste, good meat quality for sure. But it was a Mike Tyson low blow, a 45 minutes drive with rain, order the best on the menu, what a waste of money and time.
I'm gonna recommend to the owner of this restaurant, to please visit Caña Brava Fritanga, also don't go to far, check out Pinolandia in Hollywood blvd, a hole in a wall rest that it will teach you a lesson how to cook authentic Nicaraguan food, the best of the best!!
Also there was no decoration that let anyone knows we were in a Nicaraguan restaurant, not even a flag, latin music, any decoration that I could identify I was in a Nicaraguan restaurant.
Shame of your herratage????
It takes more than a fancy place to earn customers!!