Municipal Palace of Lima
The Palacio Municipal de Lima or City Hall of Lima is a public building that serves as headquarters of the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima. It is located on the street Portal de Escribanos, block 3 of Jirón de la Unión, and in front of the Plaza Mayor of Lima's historic centre.
Lima Main SquareJr. Junín cdra. 1, Lima 15001, Peru
Plaza San MartínAv. Nicolás de Piérola cdra. 9, Lima 15001, Peru
Iglesia Las NazarenasJr. Huancavelica 515, Lima 15001, Peru
Arco Chino de Lima - Calle Capón / Barrio ChinoJr. Ucayali, Lima 15001, Peru
Basílica and Convent of San Francisco, LimaXX3F+V59, Jr. Lampa, Lima 15001, Peru
Alameda Chabuca GrandaJr. Santa, Lima 15001, Peru
Parque UniversitarioJr. Cotabambas 205, Lima 15001, Peru
Muninet Parque La MurallaJirón Amazonas, Lima 15001, Peru
Lima CathedralJirón Carabaya, Lima 15001, Peru
Archdiocesan Shrine of the Heart of Jesus - San PedroJr. Azángaro 451, Lima 15001, Peru
Rincón CerveceroJirón de la Unión 1045 A, Lima 15001, Peru
Estadio Fútbol ClubJirón de la Unión 1047, Lima 15001, Peru
Antigua Pastelería y Panadería HuérfanosEsquina con, Jr. Azángaro 700, Lima 15001, Peru
Chifa Wa LokJr. Paruro 878, Lima 15001, Peru
Villa ChickenJirón Ica 157, Lima 15001, Peru
RESTAURANTE CORDANOJr. Áncash 202, Lima 15001, Peru
QUEIROLO DE LIMAJr. Camaná 900, Lima 15001, Peru
Norky'sJirón de la Unión 748, Lima 15001, Peru
Piano Bar MunichJirón Quilca 150, Lima 15001, Peru
AiresperuanosJirón Rufino Torrico 590, Lima 15001, Peru
Municipal Palace of Lima tourism.Municipal Palace of Lima hotels.Municipal Palace of Lima bed and breakfast. flights to Municipal Palace of Lima.Municipal Palace of Lima attractions.Municipal Palace of Lima restaurants.Municipal Palace of Lima travel.Municipal Palace of Lima travel guide.Municipal Palace of Lima travel blog.Municipal Palace of Lima pictures.Municipal Palace of Lima photos.Municipal Palace of Lima travel tips.Municipal Palace of Lima maps.Municipal Palace of Lima things to do.