Service: The hostess had a "why are you bothering me" type scowl/attitude. Our servers was nice but was being berated by the hostess I think, because she looked like she just listened to a recording of her dog getting run over. Poor girl looked about 3 seconds away from crying the whole time, although she was attentive.
Appetizers: Both our appetizers were great, I had the crispy soy nugget, which was amazing, probably one of the best appetizers I have ever had. You get a star for that.
Main Dishes: Meh. I had some sort of dish that ended up tasting like poorly made kimchi. It was actually pretty boring. Just not good. At all. My partners dish was equally bland, although they enjoyed it more than I did. I couldn't even bring myself to steal bites of it when she wasn't looking, which is rare.
Dessert: Tried rice pudding and I think a cake or something they had special, I can't remember the 2nd dessert exactly. The rice pudding was...bland. Like no taste. The cake was clearly one of those ones you get in the fridge case at a supermarket, only warmed in a microwave.
Atmosphere: Noisy millennials shouting at each other. I don't know if everyone between the ages of 20 and 33 has hearing loss from a life of wearing ear-buds or what. But really, there's no need to excitedly shout your boring stories about your boring pointless lives. You're not making up for lack of personality or character by amplifying the volume at which you render your mundane milquetoast recollections of some awful craft-beer you had. Even the older people that were there were shouting constantly. This one lady pulls out her phone, puts it on speaker at full blast and starts having a conversation with what was apparently her partners. I kept whispering "dump her" at an elevated volume to try and plant the seed in the other person's subconscious. After that riff-raff cleared out, it was actually decent inside; tables were cleanish, artwork on the walls was nice, etc.
Bathroom: The toilet was leaking all over the place. Which is gross enough on its' own, but here's the issue: Since my last review some time ago I have become incredibly wealthy. You know when people find those half-unfrozen mammoth or mastodon carcasses in the tundra? I pay to have a chunk carved off from whatever mega-fauna is thawing out and ship it to my cobbler. On this particular day I was wearing my mastodon leather shoes. Which were subsequently coated in the spewings of the toilet. I'm going to have to fly on my private jet to a desert island you've never even heard of just to get them to dry out. Not good times. Really though, the toilet leaked from the bowl when flushed. Gross gross gross.
Overall: It wasn't terrible, but other than that amazing appetizer this was nothing I saw here that even reached the bar of 'average'. I would probably go back again and order completely different things, and also wear cheap shoes in case the crapper is still leaking.