Well, I finally met my breaking point with this place. I'm normally a pretty chill person; I always would leave a tip even when picking-up the order and ignored the perpetual bad attitude you encounter at Ohio State Pizza and Deli. Even though their pizza was always uneven at best in terms of quality, the size of the pies for the price made it a small risk for big gatherings with less discerning pizza critics, namely children. Plus, they're open late.
But tonight I met my breaking point. I will no longer recommend them even as a desperate, late night option or patronize their pizza shack. If you're looking for late night fare, go to the far superior Hound Dog's pizza or DP Dough; that's what I'm going to be telling all my friends and clients in their neighborhood. DP Dough has always given exceptional customer service, even comping meals after initially misplacing an order. Most of the time, DP Dough's service is spot on, but this one fluke of a flub they rectified without me even asking! Ohio State Pizza and Deli, when they don't have your order ready, act like it's somehow your fault and will admonish you for blocking their door. This was a previous bad experience I simply ignored.
But back to the final-straw moment. After making me return to my car to get my ID in single-digit temperatures, the manager later complained that I left the door open too long; "we're trying to keep our customer's food warm; we're not trying to heat the whole neighborhood, etc." she self-righteously explained before bragging how their store's profits paid for what (I assume) are their minimum-wage slave's "salaries;" you know, like a real life business does! How important and impressive--and the best kind of "salary" too--the hourly wage kind.
The irony of making someone go out into the frigid cold then complaining that they left your door open too long clearly escaped the self-centered human garbage; to try to spin it as benefiting customers, "we're trying to keep the food warm," while you're literally abusing a customer--I mean, what do you say to that level of stupid? After hearing a barrage of insults in the short time it took me to put the pizza in my car when my hands were to full to close the door (which lacks a hydraulic-closer), I returned to close it only to be told she hoped I heard her string of abuse. This turned out to be the manager who is also the daughter of the owner (Rolanda or something equally redneck). That's not surprising as it seemed pretty brazen to be called a slew of insults (small-dick m-fer) after telling me she liked to masturbate each night and then expect to keep her job otherwise. For some reason, offering to spread her legs seemed to be her go to insult besides a non-sequitur brag about how she masturbates nightly. She gave a few different iterations of this or asking me to sleep with her. So maybe this was not poor customer service but simply her idea of foreplay? Charming. Needless to say, I did not take up on the offer to spend even part of the night inside Hotel Rolanda as I'm guessing she's riddled with enough STD's to cause a genocide. I've heard trash talk before but seldom has it come from an actual piece of garbage.
Either way, thanks for donating the heat to the neighborhood, Pizza Princess, but let me give back a little bit of light in exchange for the heat. Tell your Dad to loosen his ball cap, take my $15, and invest it in a door-closer (available for $10 on Amazon) if heat loss is costing your business so much. Also, you may find it easier to pay your employees (like the hero you are) and to heat your shack if you don't lose regular business by mistreating customers.
This may seem harsh but keep in mind that while I clearly looked annoyed at having to go retrieve my ID after asking if we couldn't make an exception, I didn't instigate any mistreatment except omitting the tip, until after I was verbally abused.