TL;DR - If you want BBQ, go here. The food is good.
This food is very good. But lets address the elephant in the room right away: you aren't going to achieve the same culinary high from this place that you get at those ancient, well established BBQ pits from the south. But do you expect to get authentic cheese steaks outside of Philly? Are you expecting perfect Italian food outside of Italy? Do you frown upon every Korean dish that doesn't taste like it was served hot from Seoul itself? Do you go to a seafood place in the Midwest expecting a fish that was caught that morning? If so, then you're being unrealistic. Nothing can replicate the authentic experience. However, I don't believe that is what this place is trying to do. What this place offers is simple: a delicious and simple escape to happier days when you lived in a place where legendary BBQ places were plentiful and abundant. You know when you catch a whiff of bread baking and for a moment, you re-live the memory of being a child at your grandma's house, or when a classic car drives by and the exhaust smell takes you back to your teenage years working on cars with your dad or friends? That is what this place does for your taste buds; its a little escape from reality back to the happiest you've ever been eating a rib.
As a man who has patronized perhaps too many BBQ establishments not only in the South, but around the world, I will confidently say that Old Southern BBQ scratches that itch for me. Don't try to fool yourself and tell yourself that the itch will completely go away; it won't. But this food hits the right spots. And not only that, every time I come here, and especially the last few times, the service has been fantastic. Specifically, Lee has always been super enthusiastic and exceptional in his duties. He's always johnny on the spot with suggestions and knows what I would like before I do. Guys like him are a rare breed.
If what you're looking for is a reminder of your time in the beloved BBQ pits of the south and great service, don't be afraid to stop in here and give them a chance.