First off, this is just as much a review of the previous reviews as it is of the restaurant itself.
I chose to come here because of several 5-star reviews from "local guides." What that means exactly, I don't know. But clearly, the "local guides" who came to this place and raved about it being the best sushi they've ever had, or the great, friendly service, either haven't ever eaten sushi anywhere else or were paid by someone for their kind words.
Now for the restaurant itself. It really probably deserves two stars if I'm really being fair. It wasn't the worst dining experience I've ever had. I didn't see any cockroaches running around. I didn't get sick from eating the food.
But the service was pathetically slow. The waiter either didn't understand our English or care to clarify our orders, which only added to the time it took to prepare twice the amount we actually wanted. The soft drinks (Coke and Sprite) were flat generic knockoffs probably poured from 2-liter bottles purchased at Sam's Club.
The "sushi" was average. Just rolls with lots of sauce to hide the flavor of the subpar fish. I've gotten better rolls from grocery stores.
It was sad, really. Disappointing is probably the best word to describe our experience there. The reviews made it sound so good and we were really looking forward to finally finding a decent Asian restaurant in Indianapolis.
Unfortunately, both the reviews and the restaurant itself let us down.
Edit: And then they reply with: "We did not serve you, you are lying, maliciously defaming slander."
I'll post a copy of my receipt when I get off work and see what they say about that.
Edit #2: I tried to upload a photo of our receipt to show that I did, in fact, go to this restaurant, but it is not allowing me to post it. So you can take my word for it or believe the restaurant's statement that I am "lying, maliciously defaming slander." (It would be libel, not slander actually.)
Believe them if you want, but don't complain to me when your experience with these people is as bad as mine.