Noto Cathedral
Noto Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Noto in Sicily, Italy. Its construction, in the style of the Sicilian Baroque, began in the early 18th century and was completed in 1776.
Nicolaci PalaceVia Corrado Nicolaci, 20, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Palazzo CastelluccioVia Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, 10, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Church of Santa ChiaraCorso Vittorio Emanuele, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Church of Saint Francis of Assisi to the ImmaculateCorso Vittorio Emanuele, 142, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
St. Charles ChurchCorso Vittorio Emanuele, 121, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Chiesa di San DomenicoPiazza XVI Maggio, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Palazzo LandolinaPiazza del Municipio, ., 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Roman Catholic Diocese of NotoVia Mons, Via Monsignor Giovanni Blandini, 6, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Museo Civico di NotoCorso Vittorio Emanuele, 149, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Chiesa di San SalvatoreCorso Vittorio Emanuele, 128, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Caffè SiciliaCorso Vittorio Emanuele, 125, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Ristorante Pizzeria CasamattaVia Tommaso Fazello, 23, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Trattoria Ducezio NotoVia Ducezio, 51, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Rosticceria Palermitana Arancina PlanetVia Ducezio, 26, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Caffè CostanzoVia Silvio Spaventa, 7/9, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
trattoria al bucoVia Zanardelli, 1, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Trattoria ''Fontana d'Ercole''Piazza XVI Maggio, 11, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Anche gli AngeliVia Arnaldo da Brescia, 2, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Trattoria del CarmineVia Ducezio, 1, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Esperia PizzeriaVia Salvatore La Rosa, 72-74, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Noto Cathedral tourism.Noto Cathedral hotels.Noto Cathedral bed and breakfast. flights to Noto Cathedral.Noto Cathedral attractions.Noto Cathedral restaurants.Noto Cathedral travel.Noto Cathedral travel guide.Noto Cathedral travel blog.Noto Cathedral pictures.Noto Cathedral photos.Noto Cathedral travel tips.Noto Cathedral maps.Noto Cathedral things to do.