Ristorante Corteinfiore
Creative Mediterranean fare with an emphasis on seafood, served in an airy locale with stone walls.
BasÃlica Catedral de San Nicolás PeregrinoPiazza Duomo, 1, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
Villa ComunalePiazza Plebiscito, 14, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
Château de TraniP.za Re Manfredi, 16, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
Palazzo delle Arti "Beltrani" - Pinacoteca "Ivo Scaringi"Via Giovanni Beltrani, 51, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
Polo Museale Diocesano Trani - Museo della Macchina per Scrivere - Fondazione S.E.C.A.Piazza Duomo, 8, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
Church of Saint ClareVia Pedaggio Santa Chiara, 73, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
Chiesa d'OgnissantiVia Ognissanti, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
Synagogue Museum of Sant'AnnaVia la Giudea, 24, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
Molo Sant'Antonio76125 Trani, Province of Barletta-Andria-Trani, Italy
Sinagoga ScolanovaVia Scola Nova, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
Lievito 72Via Aldo Moro, 10, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
PeschefVia Statuti Marittimi, 56, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
Il vecchio e il mareVia Tiepolo, Sottoportico Fortino, SN, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
Osteria La BanchinaVia Banchina Al Porto, 16, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
Osteria Ai PlataniVia Elena Comneno, 16, 70059 Trani BT, Italy
Le Lampare al FortinoVia Tiepolo, sn, 70059 Trani BT, Italy
Ristorante Pizzeria Trani ScugnizVia Zanardelli, 36, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
Osteria La Perla del SudVia Banchina Al Porto, 10, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
Gallo RestaurantVia Statuti Marittimi, 48/50, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
WestinghousePiazza Dogali, 6, 76125 Trani BT, Italy
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