This was my 1st time getting food here, I've lived in this area for almost 3 years, now and I don't typically eat here but thought I would try it. Well, the young girl who took my order was very polite and when she didn't know something, asked another employee. Which, I like. Lol most just stand there, confused. Well, while waiting for my fish, I ordered, i witnessed the cook, i think, an older man, that had been like going thru a large silver tub of chicken, was done doing his task and when he looked down, saw 2 pieces of meat on the floor. I watched him, very slowly but very cautious and deliberate, in keeping his hand to where he thought no one would notice what he was doing and he slightly put the 2 pieces, one large and one small piece, back into the tub and carried it to a back room. From where I was, at the front counter, it was the 2nd room on the left. After telling the other employees why at I saw, and them having a really confused response and attitudes, the young man went back and told the older man what I had said. The older man comes from that room and denies it. He tried to say that he never pit thise proves anywhere, that he held them in his hand the whole time, while carrying that huge tub, of meat, he says he had them..but really??? U squeezed 2 pieces, mind y'all, one large piece in between his hand and also a smaller piece, just kept it and squeezed it between the large metal tub cuz he did use both hands to carry it to the back. That is absurd. I know what I saw. I saw his entire action. Lol l. I was watching him the whole time and look, this places floor, well the entire inside area, was dirty. The floors were bad. And my concern was, this man just thru those 2 pieces back in with food to be cooked and served to our community, after it being dropped on to the floor and after it sat there for a while...he is just gonna toss it back in to be cooked!?!?! I recorded the encounter. I have the confused younger ppl and the lame excuse of the older man. But THIS is simply unacceptable for ANY where. I want HIM to take 2 peices of chicken, after it being on THAT floor for a bit, cook it and serve it to his mother, would he? That is the SAME respect everyone should have. What I found slightly humorous was a fellow patron, shaking his head at me..for even saying anything. Lol I'm sorry, ur ok with eating food off the dirty floor but I am NOT. Im glad I didn't order chicken but still..who KNOWS what else has been done here. I haven't even touched my food and I feel that it is too late to return it. I'm likely not going to eat it.