"Did you encounter any issues during your online ordering experience?"
-One or more items was missing from my order.
-I had issues getting help with my order after checking out.
"Can you elaborate more on the issues you experienced?"
My order was to be finished at 8:15 according to the text I was sent. I spent $143.64 including tip. 4 dinners and 7 sides were left off of my order and I had to keep going back and forth to get everything. At the end of it all I realized an order of mashed potatoes was still left off. I did not get everything else until almost 10 o'clock. The manager apologized with words only and did not compensate for my time or inconvenience. Food was almost perfect, service was beyond subpar. I am highly displeased. My receipt was sent to me by email and it is very clear exactly what I ordered so I don't know how they left off almost $80 worth of food or why I had to keep showing people the electronic order receipt. I am disgusted and will never order there again.
The annoying part was the manager kept trying to tell me my okra was included but she was talking about the large order of okra. 2 of my dinners had okra instead of fries and mashed potatoes as it is clearly listed on the receipt. I know what I ordered. If it comes through electronically, where is the confusion coming from?
"How can we make your online ordering experience better?"
List each and every line item individually so people don't leave $80 worth of food off someone's order and make them wait almost 2 hours to correct it. (I did the math and it's closer to $70)
Refund me 50% off my order plus the entire tip for the insane inconvenience I had to experience.
The food there is delicious but the service is trash because people can't understand customers' orders and don't care about compensating you when they mess up.
The manager didn't even offer me napkins, plastic ware, hot sauce (I had to ask for these), a partial refund, a discount on my next order, just excuses about how my order appeared in the system and it being busy. This is neglect of duty.