WARNING: In short, if you don’t mind leftovers, room temperature unfrozen fish, warm oysters and cold crab, this place may be it. No food goes to waste here, literally. So, when we discovered a recent health department inspection due to patron's food poisoning, we got very concerned.
MONDAYS: Leftover heaven and all the leftovers you can eat from the weekend. Tuna has been re-frozen so many times, it lost its natural color. If you are first through the door for dinner service at 5pm, expect lunch leftovers.
SUSHI RICE: Tasteless, mushy and way too overcooked with overpowering vinegar flavor. It is not difficult to fix but like many other buffets, they put too much rice in sushi to get you full quick.
RAW FISH: Sushi served has all characteristics of unfrozen fish, especially sashimi; and, as it's being served at the room temperature to thaw, it is melting on the tray by shedding its water content and way passed its 2 hours room temperature limit. Trays are not replaced with dry clean trays. Due to this fact yellowtail, escolar and salmon may taste funky.
YELLOWTAIL SASHIMI: Inconsistent, lifeless and tastes borderline spoiled. Indication of improper storage which may be unsafe to serve. Depending on the day of the week you never know what you are going to get with yellowtail, which is disappointing as this is the restaurant's most prized sashimi item. We found several bones in yellowtail sashimi and it doesn't look like yellowtail sashimi being freshly cut.
OYSTERS: Unfortunately, the oysters, due to its popularity, are going quick as customers form a line; so, oysters don’t spend enough time on the bed of ice and thus are served warm. The servers stack the oyster one on top of another so dirty shells contaminate the oysters below them and you get sand in your mouth.
SUSHI ROLLS: Special rolls are very dry, tasteless and unhealthy with unknown ingredients like seafood dynamite, another code word for leftovers.
SPICY TUNA ROLL: Uneatable – restaurant is using leftover spoiled tuna to conceal tuna flavor with jalapeno peppers.
EEL SUSHI: Served cold. They put so much sweet eel sauce on top, you can't taste eel's flavor. Some servings of eel have bones in them which may indicate a lower grade of eel. Why not serve eel sauce on the side and let the customer decide? If you cannot enjoy exclusive items like oysters, eel and yellowtail for dinner, there is no reason to pay extra but instead have lunch for less.
CRAB: Served cold, salty and absolutely tasteless.
CUCUMBER: Chef does not remove skin from cucumbers, nor the seeds, making rolls and salads made with cucumber taste very bitter.
SASHIMI SALAD: Borderline spoiled marinated fish.
SEWER ODORS: At the restaurant’s entrance, we noticed floor high speed fan blowing to air out the stink. Any whiff of garbage, stale grease, or sewage odor may be direct result of restaurant's blocked floor drains, dishwasher drains and the grease trap or they may not clean and sanitize the place properly. Equipment failure like freezer may cause the food to spoil resulting in similar odors.
CUSTOMER SERVICE: Management pretends to misunderstand customer concerns or simply ignore them. The restaurant does not keep up with empty food trays as they running out of food. Chef and servers, preparing sushi, behind the counter, get very snappy with staff and customers who remind them to refill empty sushi trays once out of food. Management answering customer phone calls provide no meaningful response. Instead, being defensive, they are very abrupt on the phone with customers. This seafood restaurant has no bib. Greeters are seating people too close to each other.
DELIVERY: Negative stars. Sushi delivery uses all leftover sushi/sashimi buffet for the day. For example, leftover sushi are chopped, combination of leftover sashimi from trays then gathered and used for delivery purposes, specifically in rolls. Yellowtail and scallion roll stank to high heavens. We stopped ordering delivery as family agreed this presented a health hazard.