I'm a local guide. My reviews are well deserved good or bad from multiple experiences.
If you're familiar with the good/bads of indoor parks, this is on the better end. The staff and management seem to care a lot about the experience.
The ONLY bad (reason for 4 stars instead of 5)
The only bad thing I experienced was the unreasonably long wait in line due to lack of staffing at the front registers (even for online purchasing of tickets). We were 4th in line at the pre-purchase and it took 22 minutes to get to us. This process is broken because the line for people who didn't buy online was going way faster.
... My attempt to use the name Grog the Destroyer was not permitted due to legal reasons.
The Good
For starters, whoever is managing this madhouse has a pretty amazing staff. Every single staff member I watched or interacted with was genuinely friendly, helpful, or empowered to get someone to help.
All of the equipment was surprisingly very clean and very well maintained. The climbing and VR equipment looked to be in excellent shape and the staff managing those areas knew what they were doing, especially for safety.
The food was reasonable priced and the eating space was kept as clean as you could possibly expect with 200+ people running around during prime time on Saturday. Plenty of staff to handle the numbers.
For people wanting to host parties here, they have it down to a science. It's very well organized and orchestrated. It was a full house of parties (8+ rooms) and there was plenty of staff to handle it.
The last thing was made me write this review. Toward the end of our stay one of the kids decided to be a ninja and poof. After 30 minutes of searching, I approached a staff and their response was perfect. They were well trained, treated it with the urgency any parent would want, radio'd the front and right before the announcement was made over the speakers, the kid appears.
This let me know this location is a safe place where kids can let loose and have a great time.
Good job guys.