Not great by CFA standards. The staff is frequently aloof and disrespectful, and the food quality is very average compared to the exceptional taste/quantity I've come to expect at "typical Chick-Fil-A's".
On a personal note in regards to service, I have come home with to-go orders three times in the past month, only to find something missing from my order, and a week ago I purchased a half dozen cookies for my fiance and I (again, to-go) and when we got to them, we discovered they had a nasty lingering flavor of chlorine and dish soap. When I returned the remaining cookies the next day, requesting only that the cost of the half-dozen be applied to my meal order, the cashier was very clearly displeased and impatient, saying I would need my receipt for any action to be taken. I told her I didn't have it, but that my mobile bank statement would surely suffice. So she grabbed a nearby manager and explained my request. The manager glared at me like some pest that was making her day difficult, and told me the same thing. I pulled up my statement, which very clearly listed this CFA location (address and all) along with the after-tax purchase price of the half-dozen cookies. She looked at it, turned to the cashier and said "whatever, it's against policy but just give him the meal he wants".
So it was a victory for the wallet, but this location needs to improve its "sensitivity training" or whatever the company uses to make typical Chick-Fil-A businesses so friendly and inviting. Despite the additional drive time, I'll be taking my CFA-cravings to the Hawks Creek location from now on.
end entitled-sounding rant, I swear I don't do this kinda thing unless I've been repeatedly aggravated