This job is a terrible job!!! All those great reviews are outright lies, I bet my bottom dollar those people that wrote a review ain't there woking no more, & didn't last. Don't deserve 1 star! This company is for illegal immigrants, even they don't deserve to be treated like that in America. Their pay sucks for the amount of work they want out of you. Mandatory overtime could be 4-6 hrs.on top of the 8hrs. you are scheduled for, where do they do that@? Third world countries. Best to be a supervisor, or QC, they do absolutely nothing when these dictators should help with production, I bet if so the workers will be out after their 8hr.shift. Hire mfs, &pay them, it wouldn't be a problem. The workers only get half hr.break, even a 15min.break in between ain't sufficient for all those hrs.worked. No breaks for mandatory OT. Yea it's cold, if you aren't fit, you will get sick. The company don't provide insulated wear until your up. Favoritism, expect it! You are beneath them is the attitude portrayed there. No English &they're not trying to learn, You better take Spanish classes, creole, etc. The company gave free English classes, nair one out of 500 ain't show up. It's offensive as an American to work there, language barriers, &insults in their language, when it shouldn't be spoken at all, can't go to their country seeking leniency. I lasted a year &half there, it was the recession, started at $7.00 an hr. left making $7.55, should have been illegal at $7.00, you are offered much more when you come through an agency. Was appalled when people then came in ar $9.00 hr.then&now ain't no better, $8.00, agency $10.00. Give credit where credit is due, that one star is for the food they do feed you on break, ok, I did enjoy that. There is no compassion, nonchalant when it comes to people health, quick to get rid of you for that. Benefits? Don't give up your medicaid, co-pay is redundant. I wasted my time there, as soon as I left there, my pay was double &then some working for Amazon, then FedEx, I'm still on a roll. Take heed, be wise, &stand up for your rights! The company Union is Not working for You. Your dues come out every wk.for no reason. The Union works in favor of the company. It's all a fasad, legally corrupted.