The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens
The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens, originally planned as successor to the National Botanic Garden of Israel on Mount Scopus which, nevertheless, still exists as a separate entity, is located in the neighborhood of Nayot in Jerusalem, on the southeastern edge of the Givat Ram campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Church of the Holy SepulchreJerusalem
Tower of DavidJerusalem
Damascus GateJerusalem
Mitchell ParkGey Ben Hinom St Valley, Jerusalem, Israel
Davidka SquareJerusalem, Israel
The Garden Tomb JerusalemConrad Schick St, Jerusalem
Montefiore WindmillSderot Blumfield, Jerusalem, Israel
New GateJerusalem
Teddy ParkPaul Emile Botta St., Jerusalem
Austrian HospiceVia Dolorosa St 37, Jerusalem
Cafe RimonYitzhak Kariv St 8, Jerusalem, Israel
Focaccia Bar4 94582, Rabbi Akiva St, Jerusalem, Israel
ื ืืงืืืจื ื ืืืช ืืงืคื - NocturnoBetsal'el St 7, Jerusalem, Israel
Coffee Nadiืืขืื ืืช ืืกืืืื ืืื, ืืื 39, ืืจืืฉืืื, Israel
Tmol Shilshomืืืฆืจ ืงืืื ืฉื ืืื, ืืืื ืืฉื ืกืืืืื 5, ืืจืืฉืืื, Israel
ืืื ื ZUNIYo'el Moshe Salomon St 15, Jerusalem, 9463315, Israel
Adom RestaurantHillel St 41, Jerusalem, Israel
Sea DolphinShim'on Ben Shatakh St 9, Jerusalem, Israel
MenzaBetsal'el St 10, Jerusalem, Israel
Tacos LuisQueen Shlomziyon St 11, Jerusalem, Israel
The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens tourism.The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens hotels.The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens bed and breakfast. flights to The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens.The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens attractions.The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens restaurants.The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens travel.The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens travel guide.The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens travel blog.The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens pictures.The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens photos.The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens travel tips.The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens maps.The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens things to do.